Thursday, June 30, 2011

Had to share

I know I posted earlier tonight but I just had to share a memory with you.  My first BFF was a little girl named Mustang Sally.  Yes she was a dog.  But she was an awesome dog.  She was a total of three pounds.  She loved tomatoes.  Which is the real reason I why I plant tomatoes.  Yes I like them too, but they remind me so much of her.  She used to play with the cherry tomatoes like they were a ball, her size ball.  When she had popped the skin in playing to rough with it she would eat it.  While we stayed with my parents, my dad made her a leash tied to the porch. Within reach of the place my mom planted her tomato plants.  Well you can only imagine what happened, Mom went out to water her plant and found it nothing but a nub sticking out of the ground.  Sally had not only eaten the tomatoes but the plant and all.  My mom was not thrilled.  Needless to say I hurried to Lowe's bought another plant and my dad built a fence around it. But we would still give her a tomato when we picked them.  So this tomato is for you my Sally girl.

                                                         first one of the season

Until we meet again . . . Cindy

I found a picture of Sally.


     I am not complaining just making a statement.  It is so true though.  I thought the 'dog days' were in August.  I think they moved.  I am grateful we replaced our A/C unit this winter.  Please don't think we did it because we were planning a head.  The heat burned up so we had to replace it all.  But it is nice in the house now.  The pool helps too.
     I am still waiting on my glasses it has only been a couple of days.  So instead of trying to fight to see the Mystery Sampler I have put it aside. I just picked up something last night to calm the nerves.  It was a Shepherds Bush window pane, the summer one.  I can see it very well and should finish it before my glasses get here.  Then I can go back to work on the Mystery Sampler. 

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Uneventful weekend

    I have not done a lot of stitching this weekend.  Did I mention I went to the eye doctor this week?  Well unfortunately I did.  He told me my prescription has not changed that much but they are not talking to my brain. I have one eye that sees up close and one that sees far away.  He said I could wear contacts but that I would see much better in glasses.  So I am waiting for the glasses.  I can see my stitching with readers but it is a struggle.  So instead of getting frustrated with the piece, because I do love it I will wait hopefully they will come in this week. at least before next weekend.  It's a three day weekend and I could get lots done. 
    My hubby's work had Family Safety day on Friday.  It was lots of fun.  There were hot dogs and hamburgers, watermelon and they even had s'mores.  They gave each family a safety kits. 
    Well I'm off to make sure I am ready for the workweek. 

Until we meet again, Cindy

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Part two arrived

I was sorta happy to see part 2 of the Mystery Sampler arrive yesterday.  I say sorta of because I have not finished the first part.  I am trying to.  It has been slow going for me on this project.  Actually for all my projects this year.  But I am still stitching.  Summertime is when I first learned how to cross stitch.  My parents had shipped me off to a great aunt's house, they were very nice but I was bored.  I was eleven and well let's just say my aunt and uncle were older because they probably weren't much older than I am now.  I had to learn Bible verses by memory my uncle was a preacher.  My cousin who at the time was probably in her twenties showed me her stitching one day and said she could teach me.  Thank God she did.  I have not been with out cross stitch since that summer.  I look back and that is really the only thing good I remember about that summer.  After that summer I was allowed to stay home by myself while my parents worked.  They should have sent me to other places I probably would not have gotten in so much trouble as a pre-teen/teenager.  I have taken a picture of my first piece.  I look back and think I was lucky to have someone teach me something I now have treasured doing for over thirty years.  Wow!  I really got off track. Memories do that.  I would loved to hear how you started stitching.

It's not good at all but I love it!

Friday, June 17, 2011

What are you working on?

I have been stitching away on my Mystery Sampler.  I am almost done with the border.  It's just in time for the second part to arrive any time now.  I am jealous the ladies of Shephards Bush and ready and waiting for the second piece.  Hopefully I can finish up this part and be ready too.  I am wondering what you are working on.  I have a friend who is finishing her piece and she is scotting out what she is going to work on next.  She is also one of those who only does one project at a time.  She also has very very limited time to work on projects. I am very proud of her for finding the few minutes at a time that she does.  I just can't stitch one project.  I use to.  What happened?  I have this crazy need to start another project and have a choice of what do I feel like stitching on today.  I am trying very hard to limit myself on new starts and to finish up started projects but it's hard.  It does help not going to a local shop to buy.  If I don't see it I don't feel the need to buy it.  I'm off to work on my sampler.

Until we meet again. Cindy

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


     The weekends are filled with yard work, cleaning house and laundry if it isn't that than it's trying to have family time.  The weekdays are filled with work.  I think we all need days where you have no one pulling on you for anything. I'm not complaining just my opinion some days you just need quiet time.  I saw my doctor for my CPAP machine check up.  He adjusted the settings and for the last few days my energy level is soaring.  It is amazing to me how such little changes can make such a huge impact on you body.  I have been taking care of my garden. Last weekend I found a couple of tomatoes on my plants.  I am hoping to be eating fresh homegrown tomatoes soon.  I have also been working on my Mystery Sampler.  I am not nearly as far along as I would like but at least I am working on it. 

Saturday, June 4, 2011

The weekend is here!

I think this week went by pretty quick except for today.  The morning flew by but this afternoon drug on forever.  I was hoping it would be like the morning but it wasn't.  I am however looking forward to the weekend.  My hubby is off again, this is rare so I will be spending time with him.  I am also hoping to see my very busy daughter on Saturday.  I have no real plans except hitting the grocery store because I have to and a few household chores which also has to be done.  Other than that I am going to hang out by the pool and stitching.  I was hoping to go to the farmers market but it doesn't start until next weekend.  I will wait. 

Until we meet again. . . Cindy