Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A new day!

I have been trying to take each day as a new beginning.  Today was off to a good start.  I had to go to court for collections, not me but to collect for work.  From the court to work lots to do and most of it completed before I left.  There's ALWAYS a pile left and if there isn't(LOL) there will be by the time I get back in the morning.
I'm off to try and get some stitching done. Wish me luck!
Happy stitching until we meet again, Cindy

Saturday, March 26, 2011

My Tinkerbell!

I am introducing you to my Tinkerbell.  She doesn't have wings or fairy dust, but she is a tinker at heart, especially if you spell tinker with a s.  She became a member of our family in 2008 after I had a hysterectomy.  She helped see me through 2008 it was a hard year 4 surgeries and 5 hospital stays and more if you can believe it all in a year.  She rules the house.  She trys to keep the other pups in line.  Even though our cat out weights her by double she loves to play with him.  She sits with me while I stitch most of the time.  Speaking of stitching I am still working on 'lamb' by Shepherds Bush and 'tiny garden scissor fob also by Shepherds Bush.

Happy stitching until we meet again!  Cindy

P.S. Thanks Maggie!!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Just a little update

I have been busy the last couple of days.  My hubby has had a cold/cough thing for awhile.  He went to the doc yesterday, and was given 5 scripts.  So we spent the evening at Target filling them.  I hope this takes care of it.  He has not been up to doing to much lately.
I have done well with my points for WW.  I know it's only been two days but a girl can brag.
The saddest part of the last coulpe of days I have been too busy to stitch, and that makes me sad.  I have the new stitching chair all ready to go and there it sits without me.  I am going to make up for it tonight. 
I almost forgot one of the most important things I did...I joined Curves! I needed a way to make my self work out. Loosing weight is more than counting points, you have to move too. I thought about the Y, I just didn't see me going. I liked Curves before so I'm going to do it all the way!

Happy Stitching until we meet again, Cindy

Monday, March 21, 2011

I did it!

I DID IT!  I signed up for Weight Watchers today.  I am doing it with a co-worker.  She has done it before but I never have.  I had tried a couple of the recipes but that is about it.  I have gained so much.  I had a year of sickness which is gone.  Then I found out I have severe sleep apnea and now sleep with a machine.  I thought that would give me more energy so I would feel like moving more.  It didn't.  Now I have realized I need to do more so here I go.  The saddest part of all of this is my stitching has suffered I have not felt enough energy to even stitch.  I had become a lump.  NO MORE LUMP!  I  am going to have success at this.  I have lots of support my hubby, my daughter, my son, my co-workers and even my boss and his wife.  So if I fail it will because of me not lack of support.
This month marks 25 years of marriage for me.  My husband and marked this occasion not with silver but with recliners.  Silly I know but we are not fancy people so we do not have a china pattern or silver pattern and well neither of us wear that much jewelry.  We went to Lazy Boy and picked out two new recliners mind you I had a coupon for 25% off my purchase. On Saturday the one I picked was delivered.  Let me just tell you it is GREAT!  I spent yesterday getting my lamp just right, my table is close enough to hold stitching supplies and drink.  The stitching chair is now ready for use.  I am sitting in it right now!  Don't worry hubby's is coming at the end of the month.  Let the stitching begin!

Happy stitching until we meet again!  Cindy

P.S. If you know of good Weight Watcher tips or recipes please let me know! Thanks!

Thursday, March 17, 2011


May you always have walls for the winds,
a roof for the rain, tea beside the fire,
laughter to cheer you, those you love near you,
and all your heart might desire.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I had a very nice surprise when I got home from work yesterday.  My Shepherds Bush order had arrived!  I was so excited I didn't even say hello to the hubby.  I went straight for the box.  Their new stuff is so cute.  I LOVE the pink snowman, the fabric that comes with is such a great color.  I just can't decide on what to stitch first.
Happy stitching until we meet again! Cindy

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Long time no hear from

I'm back from Daytona. What a blast! Only one day was wet. The rest were warm and sunny. I used sunscreen and still got a lot burnt on my nose. I could giuld Santa's sleigh with no problem. I forgot how nice it could be riding. It's a little like freeing the soul. Anyway home and back to the grind in the morning.
I tried to visit the stitch shop that was suppose to be there but sadly they had closed. Local shops need supporting. On the other side of that local shops need to remember customers are what keeps them in business. It should be a partnership for both shops and customers. Look at me off track again sorry about that. I did taking stitching with me and I did do some but not enough to have a finish. But that's okay, I should have one this week. What are you working on?
Happy stitch until we meet again, Cindy

Friday, March 4, 2011


WOW!  The week is finally over.  I can not complain the week has surprisingly gone faster than I thought it would.  I have not done a lot of stitching.  I have been packing for VACATION!  However I did read about a project that Diane from Little House posted, I put a Lou spin on it. I am hoping it holds up well, I can think of a few people who might like them as gifts.(wink,wink) 

The last couple of days have been really good.  I know most people don't post bad stuff that's because it's depressing.  We all want to hear good things to help put us in a good mood.  So my good stuff.... I had lunch with my daughter yesterday.  We haven't done that in awhile.  She works and is going to school full time.  Then I did a little shopping with my husband and son.  Then watched American Idol and most of who I wanted to go home did.  And today well I had a blast at lunch. First we went to one of my favorite places The Broken Egg(YUM). Second I saw a friend who I haven't seen in a very long time. Third two other great friends were there too!  Who could ask for more? (not me) My work has been going so good I hope this doesn't jinx it. But I am actually enjoying going again and have for quite some time now.  It just seems like there are days when most of your life clicks into place with only a few pieces hanging out on the edge. So maybe there is something to the old saying what you put out is what you get.  I am going to keep putting out positivity so I and keep getting it back!

Before I forget we can welcome a new little to the world today. I sure hope his big brother shows him the ropes. Congratulations Shannon!! I am happy for you and Mike.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A sad day for stitchers

I just read on Primitive Needle's blog that she is no loner with us.  I wish her family love and support through this time.  I only knew her through her designs, and I enjoyed them very much.
This is from her blog...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

This is Lisa's daughter, Mariah. I just wanted to let everybody know that while driving to work, she was swept away in the river. She had been missing since yesterday at 6 a.m. but this morning, firefighters found her body in her car. She was the best person I know. She was also more than a fantastic wife and mother, the best any of us could ask for.

You never know when the call will come, so hugs the family, friends and just enjoy the days we have. Life is way too short!

Happy Stitching until we meet again!
Love Cindy