Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Wonderful Weekend

     I hope everyone had a safe and fun weekend.  I know I did.  Saturday we spent the day riding the motorcycle.  My son has been learning how to ride so we took him with us.  It was a great day to get lots of practice in for him.  He did really well.  I was scared to let him go but he is not the cute little boy anymore.  He is becoming a handsome young man.  On Sunday we did have a little company over my daughter's boyfriend's parents.  They live out of town and don't get to see their sons too much so we had them over for a BBQ.  It really was nice.  It was also a great way for me to get to see my very busy daughter.  I had fun and I hope they did too. I got a bonus out of the night because my daughter and her boyfriend had fun Sunday night they decided to repeat it by hanging out at the pool with us on Monday.  I was a very happy mom.  My kids and hubby all home and having fun together, you really can't ask for more than that.  On the stitching side not a lot was done this weekend.  Pool and hand dyed threads don't mix well so the stitching stayed inside while I was outside.  I did get a little done but not much.  I really need to hit it too because the next part of the mystery sampler is coming in June, I thought it was July but nope it's June.  I must finish the border. So I am off to stitch.  I have included a couple of pictures of my weekend.  Enjoy your week I know I am going to think happy thoughts!

Happy stitching until we meet again ...Cindy

Monday, May 23, 2011


     How was your weekend?  I spent alot of mine cleaning winter out of the back yard.  We weeded, trimmed and cleaned most of the weekend.  Let's not forget pumping water off of the pool cover and cleaning the pool and putting water in the pool.  Now our back yard sparkles.  My hubby did projects that I have wanted done for a while.  He doesn't get many weekends off from work unless we go out of town and I really hated asking him to work around the house but it needed to be done. 
    We did go for a small bike ride on Saturday.  We went to a birthday party Sayurday afternoon for a friend, she tunred 11.  It was very nice the weather was great so was the food.  I did good hot dog no bun(WW) a little fruit salad and a few veggies. We watched the kids swim in the pool which made hubby and I really feel guilty because our pool was not open at the time.  So we left before the cake so I could avoid the temptation and headed home to work on our pool. 
    After we did some pool work Saturday night I finally got to settle down and begin the Mystery Sampler.  I was a little tired for running and cleaning all day so I didn't get much done, but I did start it.  I had hoped to work on it on Sunday but I was pooped.  Not only from working in the yard but the house too.  For some reason the vaccumm does not work by it's self, the laundry does jump from the basket to the washing machine to the dryer. Can we train these things to do that? Anyway I hope you had a good weekend.

Happy stitching until we meet again...Cindy

Thursday, May 19, 2011

It's HERE!!

I came home from the office and low and behold sitting on my porch, smiling at me was my package from Shepherds Bush.  I could hardly wait to pick it and hug it all the way in the house.  I opened with the tender loving care a kid opening Christmas presents.  Please notice the cute little tropical stork scissors.

I love getting stash!

Happy stitching until we meet again...Cindy

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


     Okay I am trying really hard to wait patiently for my Mystery Sampler to come in the mail.  I was just a little excited about it before now that I have talked to a friend and she said how cute it is.  I just want to grab my mail lady and say WHERE IS IT? I GOTTA HAVE IT NOW!.  But I won't.  I will sit and wait like a good girl.  Ordering stash is kinda like Christmas you know what you asked for but waiting to see what you get is so much fun. Do you mail order? Where is your favorite shop/site to order from?

Happy stitching until we meet again...Cindy

Monday, May 16, 2011


You remember I joined Weight Watchers a few weeks back. At first I was doing well, average of a couple of pounds a week. I lost 10 pounds. Then I went away for the weekend ate like crap and gained a pound back. Ok I expected it. Then I lost .4 pounds. Then gained it back. Finally this week I lost 2.2 pounds. Thank goodness I was about to give up.
On the stitching front I have almost finished the birthday gift. Two days of relaxing and stitching was good. I will be back on track in no time.
Tell me what you are stitching. I would love to hear from you!

Happy stitching until we meet again, Cindy

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Wonderful Day!

Well hubby has only been gone since the morning but I have gotten some major house work done.  I have cleaned the carpets and the usual cleaning dusting, vacuuming, scrubbing and let's not forget laundry.  Do you remember the deal I made with myself finish three UFOs and then I get to start a new finish.  Well I need to stitch a birthday gift, so I kinda broke the deal but to redeem myself I will stitch this and then go right back to that third finish.  The birthday gift is for a special friend.  I hope she likes it.  She is really hard to buy for because she doesn't really want for anything.  I have never stitched for her before so I think it's a great idea.  I have to be done with it by next weekend.  I think I can do that.  I will post a picture after I give it to her.  I hope your weekend is going as good as mine is.  Now it's time to stitch until I can't hold my eyes open. ( by the way the stitch until late is what makes it a wonderful day)

Happy stitching until we meet again!  Cindy

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

It's Wednesday!

     I'm not sure how I feel about today.  Part of me feels like screaming, another part feels like crying and yet another is calm.  For now the calm piece is fighting hard to stay in control so far so good.  I hope that all the mothers weather they have human children or furry children or both had a GREAT Mother's Day.  I just wanted some yard work done and yesterday I received that gift.  I am very excited about it.  I get to expand my little tomato garden to include some plants my daughter brought over.  I currently have them in pots but soon they will be too big. 
     My hubby is getting ready to for a long bike ride.  I wasn't suppose to go at first it was going to be a guy thing.  But the guys backed out. He is determined to go and I hate for him to go alone so I said I would go with him.  But last week I began having dizzy spells, along with a few other things, but long story short my blood pressure was dipping really low.  The doctor has taken me off of one of my blood pressure meds.  She said between the CPAP and the diet and exercise I have lowered my blood pressure. YEAH! for me.  So even though I have not lost weight in two weeks at least it is showing in other ways.  I could not be happier. 
     I know that I should be talking about stitching but the truth is I have not done much.  Therefore I have nothing to show and nothing to talk about.  I hope that with hubby gone for a few days I will get more done.

Until we meet again, Cindy

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Happy Day!

I hope you are well today.  I am feeling okay.  I could use a pick me up kind of day.  You know the kind where it's nothing special but still just a good day.  My weight loss has not progressed like I hoped but I am still loseing just not as fast.  I hope that means it is going to stay away.  I think I lead a boring life because I have not done much at all.  My daughter brought over some plants for me for Easter and I planted them.  But that is about all the exciting news around here.
On the stitching front very little there too.  I just could not work on that Black Bird piece any more so I picked up something else, Lucky by Shepherds Bush.  They are always good to turn to.  I can always find one that moves me to stitch.  I hope to have it finished before the weekend and then I can start something new.  Happy Day!