Tuesday, September 4, 2012

September already?

Who knew the summer would just fly by?  Well, I have been busy sort of. I have been stitching but surprisingly not as. Much as I thought I would.  I have finished a couple of things but nothing major.  I have spent alot of my time with my father in law.  He has his good days and his bad days.  I did take a yoga class. I have never done yoga before.  I found out I was not as bad as I thought I would be.  In fact I signed up for the next class.  I am still very focused on losing weight.  You could even say obsessed with it.  I have also been working out three times a week, I'm thinking of boosting it up to five times, I'm at a stall.  Anyway you want to know about the stitching.  I been working on Lizzie Kate's Halloween sampler, Country Cottage's monthly cottages, and a few other things.  Not a lot to update on.  Thanks for stopping by, see you next time.


  1. Pictures girl.....Pictures!

    I miss sharing Yoga with you, but I will have to bow out this go round. :-(

  2. Hello! Good to hear all is well. Congrats on sticking with working out! I cannot seem to get a good start! and Yes--pictures please! Hugs!
