Thursday, June 14, 2012


First thanks Maggie for the encouragement, it meant everything to me. I have been very busy trying to get things settled for my father in law. I think he is doing well. This week I have been getting things ready for my son's graduation. That's tomorrow night with a small cookout on Saturday, with Father's day on Sunday. Next weekend is the Bridal shower and the following weekend is the Wedding. I'm thinking the Fourth of July is going to be quiet, oh wait my father in law's birthday is on the third, so maybe not. But even with all of that going I did manage to finish CC May and started June. I'm still behind on the stockings but I think I will get to catch up soon.
On a very personal note I have been trying very hard to keep my goals moving forward so I thought I would update you. My monthly finishing weekend has not gone well, I keep forgetting to do it, but I am still hopeful i will get to it. My monthly stitching is slow but still plugging through. A happier and nicer me, I will always have to work on it but I think I am doing very well. Weight well in this area I can firmly say I have been doing very well. I am down 50 pounds. :) I am going to say see you later on this very good note. I will update soon!


  1. Oh my! He's old enough to GRADUATE????? *Sigh*

    Congrats on the weight loss! So, do you want join me for some yoga at the lifestyle center?

  2. Yep he's 18! I can't believe it. Thanks on the weight loss. I'm considering doing the yoga but my problem is my father in law now lives with me and he really can't be alone. So I'm trying to work something out.

  3. I also cannot believe he is graduating! Wasn't he just the shop kid?? Gosh! Congratulations on the huge loss in pounds! That is fabulous, and I know you are going to keep going! Lots coming up for you--take it one day at a time Loo! Hugs!
