Monday, February 6, 2012

More time please.

I have been thinking of things I need to do tonight and the more I think about it the less time I am going to have for stitching.  I didn't get any done on Saturday so I made up for it on Sunday.  I stitched most of the day with a couple of breaks.  One to do redneck laundry and another for a quick run to the store for a few things we needed for the week.  I almost finished CC February.  I have very little to finish I just need a little time.  I don't think tonight is going to be the night.  I need to go to two places and get birthday presents for someone special.  Her birthday is Tuesday so you see I have already waited to the last minute.  I am glad she picked an ice cream cake because I have very little time to bake one.  I would have made the time because she is special to us.  As I write this I am thinking I might not get time tomorrow night either.  UGH! Now I am feeling frustrated.  Doesn't the stitching Gods know I am on a mission.  I have my mojo cooking on high I just need the time.  It feels kinda like a darned if you do and darned if you don't thing.  My mission may just be delayed a tiny bit.
I'm off to finish the day and then birthday shop tonight.  Shh don't tell hubby but I just might stitch in bed tonight.  Hey I desperate :)

1 comment:

  1. Amen Sister! It is past 7:30 and I haven't even STARTED paperwork yet! Ugh! It was great to see you this weekend! Hugs!
