Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Sorry it's been a while:(

It has been almost a month since I last posted.  Sorry about that.  I have been busy with moving my father in law in, wedding planning, and well just life.  I have not stitched as much as I would like.  I would like to write about all the happy things but there hasn't been too much of that.  We have already had to take my father in law to the emergency room.  He spent one night in the hospital with chest pains.  Thank goodness it ended up being not his heart.  That was last week.  This week I put my foot in my mouth with my daughter and it's only Tuesday morning.  She is right!  I should know better I'm just going to be the one who ends up being hurt. I know she is right.  My parents and brother are never going to change no matter how much I try to bend, twist, pretend to forget or just give in.  They are always going to disapprove of me.  Anyway, let's move on.

I am way behind on my monthly stitching.  I have finished March and April CC cottages.  I am currently working on May.  My stockings are way, way behind.  On an upside I did hem some jeans for my father in law yesterday.  I think today I need to work on CC May cottage.  Wish me luck! 

1 comment:

  1. You have a lot going on girl! Give yourself a break! Big life changes impact you in many ways! I find myself 'biting my tongue' a lot lately... it is just easier than sparring! Hugs to you my friend!
