Monday, January 9, 2012

Ok so I go on for a bit more.

I decided I will keep blogging for now.  I like it.  I hope if you are reading you do too.

So I have decided to set small obtainable goals this year.  The first is to not only talk positive but be positive.
Second to remember I am a person worth knowing(low self esteem).  Third eat healthier.  Fourth finish some of my projects.  Fifth I am going to set aside one weekend a month for "finishing" those projects I stitch and never do anything with.  Finally the big one lose weight.
    The first two are more about me than anything and will just have to work on a little at a time.  The fourth one I have already made some progress.  I finished SB Come Home, I started a few months ago at lunch trying to make it a lunch time project finish in a couple days and be done.  It lasted one day and got shoved into another bag and forgotten. I all so finished SB Merry Wishes.  I just need a quick stitch and evening and it was done.  But nope started got busy with something else, into a bag forgotten.  I finished a third project SB Scaredy Sheep.  I don't even remember starting it but I had.  So that's three finishes for the New Year and all in the first week.  The third is going pretty well my hubby and I have started cooking better less fat less carbs more protein.  This will help with the weight loss.  I have not set aside a weekend as of yet but I'm thing maybe the last weekend  of the month.  Because next weekend I'm seeing a friend and the following is my son's birthday.  I don't even want to think about that at all.
      I have a few projects lined up to finish next so keep watching.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy your blog. I know how you feel, I stopped blogging for a while because I thought no one was reading but I realized I'm not so good either at responding. So much to do so little time. Happy new year! Darlene
