Saturday, January 28, 2012

Two Finishes

I know I should be posting pictures but my camera has to recharge. But I will tell you I finished all of my projects that I wanted to for January. I started CC Feburary tonight. I'm well on my way for next month. I did spend the day doing laundry, one more load and I'm done for a couple of days. I hate not having a dryer. I have not been very productive in other areas today, just the important ones laundry(got to have clean clothes) and stitching. Tomorrow is another day a few errands and the hopeful more stitching. I hope you are having time to do your important things.

Be back soon!


Friday, January 27, 2012

Friday YEA!

OK so it's Friday, we made it.  Now to get through the work day and all will be good.  I did work on CC January last night.  I have just a few more stitches to put in and it will be done so look for a picture tomorrow.
I also did a load of laundry yesterday and I hung it on a umbrella clothes line in my sun room.  I think that worked really well so tonight I'm going to do another load like that.   Maybe I wont have to leave the house and I can clean and then stitch like I had originally planed. 
Keep your fingers crossed for me.

Hi to my new followers!

be back soon

Thursday, January 26, 2012


It's Thursday already! I'm so happy because that means Saturday is just a day away.  I am however not thrilled my dryer wont be fix this Saturday as originally planned.  So instead of clean then stitching i will be washing carrying it to the laundry mat to dry then clean and if there is time stitching.  I hate putting stitching so far down on the list, especially when I am so close to finishing my January goal.  I just might have to stay up late and get it done.  I was hoping to have CC January finished last night but I just couldn't get it finished last night.  I'm close I have two more snow flakes and the bottom boarder to finish.  Then I will start CC February so I can get that done before the March one comes.
I'm am sticking to my goals.  I have done well so far.  My positive thinking is going pretty good, healthy eating is going well.  I haven't finished any projects lately but I am working on them.  and finally the loosing weight is very slow but I am trying very hard.  
I hope you have not given up on your goals for 2012.  It's still early keep at them:)

be back soon!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Already Monday

Where does the weekend go?  Let's see, we celebrated my son's 18th Birthday with family.  Saturday I the day cleaning my sewing room.  It always seems to be a catch all around the holidays.  Once that was clean it was time for hubby and I to have DATE NIGHT!  We went to the movies and dinner.  It was good to get out just the two of us.  After we went home he went to bed(work at 5am)  and I stayed up to stitch.  I was up pretty late too but CC January was coming along nicely and I hated to to stop.  Sunday it was time to do some house chores and then you guessed it more stitching on CC January.  I was tired so it seemed to go much slower than I would have liked.  The piece is coming along if I get time it should be done by Wednesday, with CC February right on it's heels.  Now it's Monday and the week begins.  This week should no be too bad.  I have no appointments or meeting which is nice.  It's only work and home.  What does your week look like?    

Thursday, January 19, 2012


I was very happy to have started writing goals for each and the getting them done.  I felt very accomplished.  But Wednesday hit a snag.  I'm not really sure what happened but I didn't get any of my goals completed.  it just seemed like one thing after another kept creeping in my way.  So this morning I got up grab yesterday's goals add a couple of things and said to myself 'I AM GOING TO GET THIS DONE'.  Now remember these aren't big huge goals.  It really bothers me I didn't get them done.  So moving on.  January cottage is not moving as fast as I would like.  But Thursday is my early day so I am picking it up to work on it.  Of course with it being Thursday that also means grocery shopping day.  So when Hubby gets home we run to do that and then we are off to a meeting.  The meeting ends about 7:30 so I should have some time to work on it afterward too.  So we will see how it goes.
Thanks for stopping by. 

On a quick side note  . . . I have started a new vitamin regiment and taking Biotin for my hair, so far it isn't breaking as much and it's softer. I just had to share :)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


     Good Tuesday to you!  I have been busy already this week.  Work is good.  Home is good!  I am steadily working on my food intake.  This does not mean a diet because if you label it that you will never succeed.  I am calling it a change in eating habits.  All the bad food is almost gone from the house.  I have been to the grocery store twice and did not buy any bad things.  It's been all fresh fruit and veggies, with some steamers(but those are good for you I checked) and lots of chicken and even a turkey breast.  Oh and the water intake is GREAT.  I have had no soda for over a week.  I miss soda:(!  The exercise part is slow because it has either been to cold or raining to walk outside so to replace that I have taken up riding a stationary bike and doing Wii exercises.  On to the really good stuff.  I have finished 5 stitching projects.  So I did new a new start.  I really want to do this one each month that it is.  CC new monthly cottage series.  I started January.  I liked Jennifer's idea of doing them singularly but I did the Little House ones that way.  I am doing them all together so we will see how that turns out. 
     I have been writing little daily goals for myself.  Things like drink X amount of water, clean this or that, stitch for X amount of time, eat the right things and remember to think good thoughts about myself and others.  I started this this week so if it helps I will keep it up.  I write them on a post it and put it on my phone so when I look at the phone I remember to do those things.  So far so good.  I'll keep you up to date.  I am really striving for a more positive out look on life.  I hope everyone is too.  There are people out there that thrive on controlling what those around them think and do.  Don't be like that as the saying goes Karma can be a Bitch.  I believe in Karma.  In fact I have been on the receiving end of some.   So I hope you read this and feel HAPPY HAPPY THOUGHTS towards yourself and others. 

Thanks for stopping by!  Cindy 

Sunday, January 15, 2012

ten minutes

I just finished two little pin keeps in only ten minutes.  Aren't they just the best little things!  Sherry Sheep and Penny Penguin.  I just love them!!

Together or single?

I sit here on this cold January morning trying to decide if I should stitch CC's January as a single piece or stitch all of the months together. I have to say I'm leaning toward all together. Any opinions? Please help me decide. Thanks!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Ok so I go on for a bit more.

I decided I will keep blogging for now.  I like it.  I hope if you are reading you do too.

So I have decided to set small obtainable goals this year.  The first is to not only talk positive but be positive.
Second to remember I am a person worth knowing(low self esteem).  Third eat healthier.  Fourth finish some of my projects.  Fifth I am going to set aside one weekend a month for "finishing" those projects I stitch and never do anything with.  Finally the big one lose weight.
    The first two are more about me than anything and will just have to work on a little at a time.  The fourth one I have already made some progress.  I finished SB Come Home, I started a few months ago at lunch trying to make it a lunch time project finish in a couple days and be done.  It lasted one day and got shoved into another bag and forgotten. I all so finished SB Merry Wishes.  I just need a quick stitch and evening and it was done.  But nope started got busy with something else, into a bag forgotten.  I finished a third project SB Scaredy Sheep.  I don't even remember starting it but I had.  So that's three finishes for the New Year and all in the first week.  The third is going pretty well my hubby and I have started cooking better less fat less carbs more protein.  This will help with the weight loss.  I have not set aside a weekend as of yet but I'm thing maybe the last weekend  of the month.  Because next weekend I'm seeing a friend and the following is my son's birthday.  I don't even want to think about that at all.
      I have a few projects lined up to finish next so keep watching.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Trying to decide on something.

I have been trying to decide on continuing my blog.  I would like some in put.  Can you help? Is what I am writing keep you reading, is it entertaining?  Thanks.