Friday, July 8, 2011

Well it's that special day!

Hi everyone!  Today is Friday one of my personal favorite days of the week.  Today is extra special because as of 6:00PM  I am on vacation.  (HAPPY DANCE HERE)  My hubby and I are going to do somethings together.  First on Sunday we have planed a trip to Corolla to hang out at the beach.  On Monday we are heading a little North to check out a Triumph dealer(motorcycle) which just happens to be down the street from In Stitches.  I don't know how that happened :).  Anyway this way we both get a fix of our favorite kinds of stores.  I am also exciteing about goin to Ikea.  I have never been in one of their stores so Im at least going to check it out.  We will piddle around up there for a bit and then home again.  I think we are going to take the dolphin tour down at the beach.  I have lived here all of my life and have never done a tour like that.  Of course I am trying to talk my hubby into taking my to see the new Harrpy Potter movie on Friday.  I'll let you know if I can talk him into it.  I of course plan on stitching too. 

I am very happy to be stitching, I got my new glasses.  I can SEE!  My eye doctor said my eyes were not that bad they just weren't working as the team they use to be.  One sees up close the other far away, and this worked for a long time now they say no more.  I could see without them but it is so much better with them. A year ago I started wearing contacts but they weren't very good.  These new glasses are very clear, light weight, and stylish if I say so myself. 

So with new glasses planted on my face I picked up my Mystery Sampler last and went to town.  I was sad to  put is down and go to bed.  But I left some needles threaded and ready to go for tonight.  I can stay up a little late tonight but not tomorrow because we are getting up every for the beach.  On my next post I will upload a picture of my progress. 

Oh My I almost forgot I have a finish.  I was working on Summer Flies by Shepherds Bush and Finished on Wednesday of this week.  It's so cute.  Love those quickies.

Until we meet again.. Cindy

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