Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Part two arrived

I was sorta happy to see part 2 of the Mystery Sampler arrive yesterday.  I say sorta of because I have not finished the first part.  I am trying to.  It has been slow going for me on this project.  Actually for all my projects this year.  But I am still stitching.  Summertime is when I first learned how to cross stitch.  My parents had shipped me off to a great aunt's house, they were very nice but I was bored.  I was eleven and well let's just say my aunt and uncle were older because they probably weren't much older than I am now.  I had to learn Bible verses by memory my uncle was a preacher.  My cousin who at the time was probably in her twenties showed me her stitching one day and said she could teach me.  Thank God she did.  I have not been with out cross stitch since that summer.  I look back and that is really the only thing good I remember about that summer.  After that summer I was allowed to stay home by myself while my parents worked.  They should have sent me to other places I probably would not have gotten in so much trouble as a pre-teen/teenager.  I have taken a picture of my first piece.  I look back and think I was lucky to have someone teach me something I now have treasured doing for over thirty years.  Wow!  I really got off track. Memories do that.  I would loved to hear how you started stitching.

It's not good at all but I love it!

1 comment:

  1. At least you still have your first piece! I remember exactly what I stitched, but lord knows where it is now.

    Memories are so much fun!
