Thursday, April 25, 2013


We went to Washington over the weekend. I left my father in law to be laid to rest. It was long weekend to say the least.  I did take stitching but didn't touch it.  I haven't since we've been back either.  I'm not sure what is wrong with me but I just can't seem to bring myself to do it.  I have however read three books since last Friday.  Today, however, I haven't even been reading.  I awoke with a major allergy attack.  My head pounding, sinus stuffed and all over yuck feeling.  I took something to help and it did the pain and the stuffiness have subsided some but the fog has replaced them.  I have had allergies before but today is an attack I have not had before.  I hope it is just because the levels are high and not because I'm getting more allergic. Is that the correct grammar? Well, I off to veg out.  I don't think I can handle anything else. :)
Happy Stitching, Cindy

Friday, April 12, 2013

In honor of my up coming trip to Seattle

I like to explore the Internet for odd little facts about needlework.  I came across this little ditty   "In Seattle you haven't had enough coffee until you can thread a sewing machine while it's running. " ~Jeff Bezos.  It kinda fits me lately.  I quit drinking soda, which I loved, last year.  But I found sometimes I needed that little kick of caffeine so I had a coffee.  It went from having one once in a while to I almost can't wait for the pot to brew my cup in the morning.  On the days I go to the gym I find myself thinking how many minutes until I can have my cup of coffee.  I now LOVE my cup of coffee!  

I finished Shepherds Bush's My Stitching bag.  I also have been working on CC Santa Village.  I was a half a stitch off, I took out the mistake, I restitched and guess what, I made another mistake that I needed to take out again.  So I worked on another spot.  

The weather has been absolutely a gorgeous week. Warm, sunny and just enjoyable.  I worked in the yard so this week.   I brought out some of the summer furniture that goes around the pool.  I was going to sit outside and stitch but I just found myself just sitting and enjoying the sun.  But today they are calling for storms so I will sit inside and stitch.  Hopefully finish CC Mrs. Claus cookie shop.  Wish me luck.

Happy Stitching

Thanks for all the comments, I love getting them!  :)

Monday, April 8, 2013

Struggling and busy

Hi!  I have been struggling with what to do now. So I have been stitching both cross stitch and quilting.  My father in law passed last month.  He was a major part of my daily life.  So I have been trying to figure out what to do with my days.  I spent a few doing nothing, a few quilting, and a few cross stitching.
 Quilt for My dad's friend

LHN Flock Hope and Love

CC Santa's House, Poinsettia Place and North Pole Post Office

I have started CC Mrs Claus' Cookie Shop but I found I am a half of a stitch off.  I have to do some unstitching.  I also received LHN's third sheep in the flock.  I also am waiting sort of patiently LHN Orchard Valley Stitching Bee and Hometown Holiday.   

I have to travel to the west coast this month.  It will be a long trip for a short visit.  I am wondering what to take to stitch on the plane.  I can't wait to see which one it is.  

Happy Stitching!  
