Hello, I have been away too long. I can't say that I have been stitching because I haven't. Sad right? I know. I have been busy preparing for all the things that are going to happen in the next two months. OK so first my son went to Prom. He was very handsome and his girlfriend was gorgeous. The next thing going on is my father in law is moving in with us. Yes you read correctly. I'm not upset about this. Truth be told I'm happy my husband never gets to see him. Then the cherry on top is my daughter's wedding. She got engaged in March and wants to get married at the end of June. Quick right? I know so i want to help her as much as I can. There have been some other personal changes that I'm not ready to share but let's just say I won't be stitching as much as I would like for a little bit. Thanks for stopping by and reading my rambling. I hope to post some pictures next post.
see you soon