I know it has been a while since I updated you and I apologize. First I hope everyone had a good Easter. Second I hope you have been stitching, unlike me. I just have had so much going on that stitching has taken a step back. I will pick it up again here shortly. I have some time off coming and I will work on it.
I had Friday off and got to spend some time with Emily. I can't believe she is a year old and very mobile. We played and played. Then I went to the doctor's and had a weight check up, down a couple of more. I am sitting trying to think of everything that has been happening and my head is just spinning. We were trying to make some wedding plans, graduation plans, and father in law plans(he is moving in). Even with Friday off the weekend flew by. It's now Wednesday and things just keep coming. For once I'm not stressed about work. I actually almost prefer being at work so I don't have to think of all the other stuff. Happy stitching for now.