Saturday, November 26, 2011

4 day weekend

     I know today is only the third day of the 4 day weekend, but it seemed to fit.  I wanted to share what we, my family and I did yesterday.  Well after a couple of trips to Michael's and one trip to Walmart.  I can't show everything because they are for Christmas.  and a couple need finishing touches.  I was inspired by the website Pinertest.  Have you heard of it?  if not approach with caution.  They have all kinds of ideas for well everything.  You name you can probably find it there crafts, food, pictures and science. 
     I was very lucky this Thanksgiving.  I had my husband, children, boyfriend, girlfriend, daughter's best and of course the best baby ever.  The one thing i didn't do was take pictures.  I really hope your day was great!
   I really don't have much to write about.  I have had a pretty boring world these days. Mind you I am not complaining.  I will share some pictures.  I am sorry they are not cross stitch.  But I hope you enjoy them anyway.

Glitter ornaments!

Crayon art by Dalton

Crayon art by Kim

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

In case I am so busy cooking that I don't get a chance to say HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Busy, Busy

WOW!  I am so glad it's Friday.  I have been running all week.  Hubby's birthday was this week, which means my daughter's is next week.  they are exactly 21 years and 7 days apart.  You know I can't even really say what I have been doing it's just a blur.  I did get a lot of work caught up today.  So now I can relax about not being there on Monday and Tuesday.  You may be wondering why, no biggie just hubby had some use or lose leave and we are going to take a couple of days together.  We aren't going anywhere fancy, just doing a few things around the house.  I have this quilt I have been trying to work on so that is my main goal.  then in the evenings you guessed it stitching.  I can't believe how ready I am for this.  oh just a remind Thanksgiving is only 12 days away, I feel the need to share this

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

No stitching day.

Boy, today seems like it was going to last forever. I thought I would even get a little stitching done. Nope! My hubby's jeep broke down while my son was driving it. So while hubby went to get him and the jeep. I finished dinner and made his birthday cake. Tomorrow is his birthday. I couldn't find my cake pan I had planed on using so that changed my plans. Finally they were home dinner was finished cake in oven but with clean up and laundry that left no time for stitching. I could be doing it now but I can hardly see to type this. Maybe better luck tomorrow.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Super Sunday!

Yesterday was the best day I have had for stitching in a very long time. I got very wrapped up in the Prairie Moon piece. It just flowed. I have not had MOJO like that in a little over a year. It proved to me that life does come around.
Fall weekends at my house brings out the crock pot. My family has favorite foods that are just too hot to eat in the summer. This Sunday brought Nanny's Beans and Weenies. She made this bean concoction and it was wonderful and I did not use to be a fan but this won me over. However she has passed many years ago and I use to make it more often. I forgot the recipe. I know some of it but for the life of me I could not remember all of it so I put a little of this and little of that and it turned out pretty good. My hubby even said it was perfect. I'm thinking chili next week.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

A Little Late but here

I know I promised a quicker update, sorry I'd like to give good reasons but I don't have anything but life moving on.  Here are the pictures of my house for Halloween.  I hope you had a Happy Halloween.

I also have been working on Prairie Moon's Thine is the Trick and the Treat.  I have been working on it for a couple of days and it is coming along nicely.  I have almost two of the motifs.   I have also been working on a quilt for a friend.  I have been promising it for too long.  I am joining the Country Cottage's Monthly Cottage Stitch along.  I excited about it the first cottage looks very cute.
I have been reading some blogs as of late.  What are some of your favorites?